Cast Me To Hell: A Horror Movie Podcast
Two life long horror film addicts explore the far realms of horror movies! From the blood and guts of the big horror franchises, all the way to forgotten gems and B Movie madness! Episodes range from franchise retrospectives, and our favourite horror moments, to reviews of horror films that have just released - slashers, spectres and all films blood curdling - whether you’re a die hard horror fan or looking to get into some scary cinema, Seb and Robbie have got you covered. Be sure to subscribe and join us by the Cast Me To Hell campfire every Monday Hosted by Seb Hope and Rob Keir. Theme by Dan Motti. Weekly episodes are available on Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @cmthpodcast
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Episode 109 - The Exorcist (1973) - Religious possession horror classic
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
This week we return to the original site of possession in horror, no its not the original possession film but many still deem it the greatest in all of horror.
Following our review of The Exorcist: Believer (we try to avoid comparisons to the requel but we fail!) we bring you our thoughts on why the original is such a shocking and classic horror film 50 years later. This would also fall within our Must See Horrors but we are just focusing on the film this time, though wed both place it as a must see top 100 horrors of all time.
So gather your priests, get your bloody crucifixes and be ready for the power of christ to compel you because Cast Me To Hell are doing some exorcisms and it feels so good.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on twitter and Instagram.
If you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating and review to help our podcast grow.
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
This week we celebrate with our Special Bonus Friday The 13th October episode all about, you guessed it....Friday The 13th!!!
In this Special Bonus October Jason Voorhees murder memories extravaganza we talk all things F13 by picking out our favourite films in the franchise or featuring our Horror Icon Jason Voorhees.
We discuss the most enjoyable films in the franchise, the best of the kills and general great moments from this franchises history. We choose the films we think you should be marathoning this Friday The 13th weekend as we build towards the holiest of days Halloween.
So join us down at Camp Crystal Lake as we reminisce around the fire with good ol Jay as he listens intently to our sweet compliments on Thursday The 12th, preparing for the slaughter coming on this Friday The 13th.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter and Instagram.
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating and review to help our podcast grow.
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Episode 107 -The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
We are back again straight from the cinema to make you all a believer!!! To make you believe that The Exorcist: Believer is not the disaster you may have been led to believer.
The first 20 minutes are a spoiler-free so come and listen knowing your in a safe space before you see the film, we will warn you before we move into those possession spoilers.
Then we delve into the spoilers including the links to the original, returning legacy characters, the level of shock and mutilations and whether David Gordon Green is continuing a bad trend following Halloween Ends.
So join the discussion before and after seeing the film because when you see their possessed face you'll be a believer, without a trace of doubt in your mind.
You can find us on twitter and instagram @cmthpodcast
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review.
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Episode 106 - Saw X (2023)
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
We return straight from the cinema with our thoughts on the return and latest instalment in the Saw franchise. Jigsaw returns and this time we are going back between the events of the original Saw and Saw 2.
We were both sceptical about a return to this long worn franchise, with many diminished returns can this be a return to form? Do we think this is the best since the original like many reviews are mentioning or is this the final nail in a coffin that's already been nailed into the ground.
For the first 20 minutes or so we be talking spoiler-free for those who have not yet seen the film (we will tell you when it's time for spoilers) Then we go in-depth into the new traps and kills and twists of John Kramers life.
Remember if you enjoy our content to subscribe and leave us a lovely review or rating to help our podcast grow.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on twitter, Instagram or if you enjoy older methods you can email us
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Episode 105 - Ringu (1998) - Japanese Horror
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
This week we delve into our first J Horror film with Ringu (1998). We discuss the film at length with the odd combination of half an episode with and without host Robbie...find out why his 7 days are up. Warning there may be loud static involved.
We discuss the director Hideo Nakata's history of making this film and some of its Japanese and American sequels. We look at why this was one of the first big commercial successes for Japanese horror and host Seb rambles on solo to try and save the episode.
So join us for an episode of awful pronunciation of any Japanese word or name, mysterious missing co-hosts and us trying to explain why we like the film but feel the remake ruined it for us.
Remember to subscribe and share your love for the show by leaving us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter and Instagram. If your from the past and want to get in contact by email, find us at
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Episode 104 - Unnecessary Horror Sequels
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
This week The Cast Me to Hell boys are thinking 'Oh no you didn't! They went and made another sequel to a film that didn't need it!'
Yes we are delving into our own personal unnecessary sequels, these can be films we felt never needed a sequel, where the sequel tarnished the brand of the original or generally sequels that make no sense.
So hold on tight to your precious originals or high quality sequels because here comes some sequels to your ruin your day!
You can find us on Twitter and Instagram @cmthpodcast and if your old school email us
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Episode 103 - The Hills Have Eyes (1977) - Must See Horror
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
This week we return to our Must See Horror feature making our way through our supposed 100 greatest horrors list to decide; Are they a Must See Horror?
We are heading out into a deserted wasteland for Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes, the directors second ever film and a well known cult classic. We discuss the film in depth, recall its relationship with the remakes and the off the rails sequel.
So come and join the mutant loving, bring your walk talkies and your appetite for the delicacy that is baby.
Remember you can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter and Instagram.
If you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review.
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Episode 102 - Snuff (1976) - Video Nasties
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This week we return to our Video Nasties feature by delving into the dark and dirty world of Snuff films. Specifically the controversial 1976 film Snuff.
A controversial film for its marketing campaign that sold the film as a real Snuff film building on the urban legends of the film we discuss in the episode.
Although a critically mauled film filled with poor taste, the cast me to hell boys have delved into this distasteful world and found some truly shocking, hilarious and so bad its good moments.
So join us once more as we delve into the seedy world of Video Nasties and prepare your cameras for some real life bloody murder.
You can find us on Twitter (fuck X) and Instagram @cmthpodcast
Remember if you enjoy our content the please subscribe and leave us a lovely review / rating to help our podcast grow.
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Episode 101 - Cujo (1983) - Must See Horror
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
We return to our Must See Horror's list to decide if Cujo (1983) belongs to be in the Top 100 horror list we are following. We discuss our history with the film and with Stephen King adaptations.
We talk through the film we know for many is a beloved nostalgic tale that made them scared of dogs like Spielberg did with sharks, but do we both on first time viewing feel that love for the film or do we have a bad dog on our hands?
So join us in chanting a round of Who let the rabies infested dogs out and consider whether Cujo is a good boy who belongs on Must See Horror or is in need serious need of being put down.
You can find us on Twitter and Instagram @cmthpodcast
Remember if you have enjoyed our episodes so far then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Episode 100 - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
This week we have made it to our 100th episode and so we are covering an absolute classic in George A Romero's Dawn Of The Dead (1978). We discuss the different cut's of the film including Dario Argento's influence on the film away from his own edited cut.
We talk through the film's impact on the genre and the zombie films that preceded and followed, we also delve into why this film always defys expectations even after several viewings.
So join us at this milestone event (for us) as we bring you yet another horror review for you to dissect with us.
You can find us on Twitter and Instagram @cmthpodcast
Remember if you have enjoyed our episodes so far then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.