Cast Me To Hell: A Horror Movie Podcast
Two life long horror film addicts explore the far realms of horror movies! From the blood and guts of the big horror franchises, all the way to forgotten gems and B Movie madness! Episodes range from franchise retrospectives, and our favourite horror moments, to reviews of horror films that have just released - slashers, spectres and all films blood curdling - whether you’re a die hard horror fan or looking to get into some scary cinema, Seb and Robbie have got you covered. Be sure to subscribe and join us by the Cast Me To Hell campfire every Monday Hosted by Seb Hope and Rob Keir. Theme by Dan Motti. Weekly episodes are available on Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @cmthpodcast

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Episode 95 - Dario Argento’s Suspiria (1977) - Must See Horror
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
This week we return to our Must See Horror with an absolute Italian horror classic. Seb and Robbie have their first ever viewing of the film discussing the italian horror and Giallo through an auteur like Dario Argento.
We talk about Dario Argento's work, his approaches to filmmaking and his thoughts on the remake that came out in 2018. We look at the film through the lens of Must See Horror, deciding if all parts of the film or just some key area are strong enough or influential enough that we believe everyone must of must not see this film.
So get on your dancing shoes, bring the colour, bring the coven and prepare your mind for the mad and mystical world of Argento's Suspiria.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter and Instagram
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.

Monday Jun 05, 2023
Episode 94 - The Wicker Man (1973) - 50th Anniversary
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
This week we travel to a strange and mysterious island to discover the ritual of The Wicker Man. We discuss the films lasting legacy and the impact and memories it has had on folklore horror films.
We talk about our memories of the films, the links in British culture and the changing culture of Britain in the 60s / 70s that impact the film. We also talk about how this films themes still last the test of time and can still relate to modern days, discussing some hilarious possibilities for how the world could change.
So find yourself the nearest law abiding virgin, send them a mysterious letter all in the name of burning them for your favourite harvest.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.

Monday May 29, 2023
Episode 93 - Best Horror Twists
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
This week we discuss, The best twists in horror films from the 'I see dead people', the he was in the room all along, they were a boy all along, to the they were dead the whole time. Horror has given us some amazing twists and we are here to discuss some of our personal favourites and the experiences we shared with each film.
We go through some of the highlights of horror twists and some of the negatives that can come from them. We also discuss some of the bad twists in horror or the inconsistency of a certain famed twist focused filmmaker. Finally we give you some honourable mentions and our social media lounge to have your thoughts on the best twists in horror.
You can find us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @cmthpodcast
Remember if you enjoy our content to subscribe and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.

Monday May 22, 2023
Episode 92 - New York Ripper (1982) - Video Nasties
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
This week on Cast Me to Hell we return to our Video Nasties feature and take our first proper discussion into the controversial cinema of Lucio Fulci and his Giallo style of horror cinema.
We discuss the style of Fulci including the notorious dubbing and sound editing that divides opinion. The problems with the production and late script changes due to Fulci and producers differing visions of the film. Including of course the quacking crazy, exploitative, sexual and graphic film that this.
This being video nasty of course we delve into the ban of over 20 years and scenes that are still not included in released cuts of the film to this day.
So take off everything below the do your best Donald Duck because for some reason thats what you need to be a ripper in 80's New York and to join in on this weeks manic, crazy video nasty installment.
Find us on Twitter, Instagram and Youtube @cmthpodcast (Cast Me to Hell - A Horror Podcast)
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating / review to help our podcast grow.

Monday May 15, 2023
Episode 91 - The Birds (1962) - Must See Horror
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In another installment of Must See Horror we delve into a Hitchcockian classic in The Birds. We discuss the films history, special effects and whether we believe it still lives up to the hype.
Being a Must See Horror we decide if a Hitchcock film should automatically gain access or is this one pale in comparison to some of his other horror / thrillers?
Robbie also talks about flying above his worries that this is just some shitty film about killer birds.
So watch the skies, beware childrens' climbing frames and if your a blonde specifically look out for classically trained directors with a fetish.
Remember to find us on Twitter and Instagram @cmthpodcast
If you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating/ review to help our podcast grow.

Monday May 01, 2023
Episode 90 - Death Race 2000 (1975) - Must See Horror
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
This week we return with another Must See Horror, going on a journey with Roger Corman produced Death Race 2000 (1975).
We discuss our main question - Is this a horror film? Should it even be on a Top 100 Must See Horror list? Considering the political satire of this Sci-fi action with a side of gore does it represent what we consider to make a horror film.
We also discuss the crazy concepts, Sylvester Stallone's scenery chewing alongside David Carradine's status as an action hero and cybernetic love machine, who loves dressing like a gimp.
So if you want to hear about Possible horrors, Frankensteins, Car Races, Gimps, Nazi's, abuse, rebellion and Naked Spa breaks, you will enjoy our episode on Death Race 2000.
Remember if you enjoy our content to subscribe and leave us a lovely rating and review.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Episode 89 - Evil Dead Rise (2023) - Spoiler Review
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Spoilers beware... This is our Spoiler Review of Evil Dead Rise (2023), if you haven't seen the film yet, you can find our Evil Dead Rise Spoiler Free Reaction episode on all good streaming services. If you have seen the film or don't care about spoilers then come on round the cast me to hell fire and enjoy our thoughts on the latest possessions of the deadites.
We discuss the film in-depth talking about key set pieces, deaths and character developments from the film. We talk about the high points of of the film like the kills and some of the problems we found within the film or its lack of humour to fit within the world of the original Ash films.
So remember that you are no longer safe anywhere from the necronomicon, families are not off limits and just because you can reference films doesnt mean you have too.
You can find us on twitter, Insta and TikTok @cmthpodcast
Remember if you enjoy our content to please subscribe and leave us a lovely review to help our podcast grow.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Evil Dead Rise (2023) - Spoiler Free Reaction
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Straight from the cinema vomiting into your ears, we bring you our Spoiler Free Evil Dead Rise reaction.
We tip toe around the spoilers to bring you our thoughts on the film, story, and for you gore-hounds the all important rating of just how depraved this film gets.
We also discuss it in relation to the Evil Dead Franchise and the 2013 remake to give you expectations before you see it which films it matches more tonally.
So open your copies of the necromonicon, get your boomsticks, say your goodbyes and get ready for some vomiting, slicing, possessed fun.
You can find us @cmthpodcast on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
Remember if you enjoy our episode then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating and review to help our podcast grow.

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Episode 88 - Evil Dead (2013)
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
In this week's episode we delve into the necronomicon's dark depths of the Evil Dead universe with Fede Alvarez's Evil Dead (2013). We discuss is this a sequel or a remake, some even say Requel, we work through the film and make our own decision.
We talk about the practical and shocking gore levels in the film and whether it links with the rest of the Evil Dead universe with it's more grounded approach.
Keep an eye out for our Evil Dead Rises spoiler free and spoiler reviews coming this month.
Find and follow us on twitter and instagram @cmthpodcast
Remember if you enjoy our content then please subscribe and leave us a lovely rating and review to help our podcast grow.

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Episode 87 - X (2021) - Ti West
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
In this week's episode we cover Ti West's X (2021). This entertaining slasher uses the 70s backdrop and inspiration from Tobe Hooper films we've previously discussed like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Eaten Alive including pornography and political themes from the time to create a trilogy starter and horror icon in Mia Goth.
We discuss the films themes, inspirations and philosophy. Talking about the show stopping performances, humour and how this trilogy could play out based on Pearl and the upcoming Maxxine. We also discuss the new stacked cast for Maxxine and where Ti West will take the coke fueled 80s.
So get down to your britches, make sure your wearing some protection because your in for the ride of you life and remember age doesn't matter...unless your holding a shotgun.
Remember to find us on Twitter and Instagram @cmthpodcast
Don't forget if you enjoy our content to subscribe, follow and leave us a lovely rating or review to help our podcast grow.